
We seek qualified partners with resources and a passion for clean energy

The Market Potential

Energy is essential for today’s modern society. Without electricity, our economy crumbles: no clean water, no heating and cooling, no food, no transportation, and no internet.

Our industrial and information revolutions were built on a foundation of energy.

A massive transformation is underway to replace current fossil fuel based energy with clean sources.

The Challenge

But Clean energy isn’t constant. Existing solar and wind generators operate 4-6 hours a day, requiring expensive batteries to provide continual 24-7 energy.

The Solution

ZPower scientists have developed the “holy grail” of energy generation, collecting constant energy from the sun, which satisfies the 3 requirements of our energy-driven world:

No fossil fuels. No pollution. No toxic materials. Small footprint.

Electricity rates well under market prices 

Always works. Day and night. Indoors or outdoors. Constant baseload power.


Technology Progress

Rapid progress is underway at ZPower.

We are building our flagship product - the Z1 Power Plant.


Laboratory Setup

50 Kilowatt Power Cubes followed by the 1 Megawatt Power Plant


Certification and Protection

UL certification and Global IP protection


Utility-Scale Testing

Testing at several locations under a variety of usage requirements



Sign Utility Contracts. Start manufacturing.

Qualified Partners

The vision of ZPower is to provide everyone with Clean • Affordable • Constant energy - starting with our Z1 Power Plant for the electric utility grid.

We seek manufacturing and marketing partners worldwide.


Phoenix, AZ, USA
London, UK


Phone: Contact Us

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